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佐賀大学医学部臨床検査医学講座は佐賀医科大学として開学した当初から初代教授である只野壽太郎先生の構想のもと,主として検査自動化を主眼として発展して来ました。また,自動化のみならず,検査部から院内各部署へ向けての情報発信や検査相談を行って来ました。更には1998年には,感染症診療を主として臨床微生物学的見地からサポートすることを目的とした総合感染症コントロールスステム・Dr. Fleming(Flexible Microbiological Tests and Information System for The New Generation)を開発・設置し,抗菌薬適正使用の推進,病院感染疫学情報の集約に貢献して来ました。 2003年,只野前教授の退官後は,浜崎雄平教授(小児科教授),出原賢治教授(分子生命科学講座教授)の検査部長兼任の時期を経て、2013年より末岡榮三朗が2代目教授に就任いたしました。基礎医学と臨床医学との連携や融合を講座のミッションととらえて、診療に更なる貢献を果たすための活動を行っています。特に、成人T細胞白血病・リンパ腫の発症機構の研究や臨床研究の基盤となる臨床情報抽出プログラムの構築、メディカル・バイオバンクの構築などにおいて、各臨床グループとの横断的連携を行うことにより、地域に根差した臨床検査医学の構築を目指しています。また、2016年2月より「メディカル・イノベーション研究所」を佐賀大学プロジェクト研究所として設立し、医療技術とICTの連携を目指した活動を開始いたしました。


  1. 成人T細胞白血病・リンパ腫の発症機構の解明
  2. 輸血後鉄過剰症の病態と治療反応性の研究
  3. 臨床研究推進のための診療情報抽出プログラムの開発
  4. がんおよび生活習慣病の病態解明のためのバイオバンクの構築
  5. 医療とICTの融合による次世代医療体制の構築


 教授(Professor) 末岡 榮三朗:Sueoka Eisaburo
 助教(Assistant) 佐藤 明美:Sato Akemi
 病院助教(Assistant) 中村 秀明:Nakamura Hideaki
 事務員(Office clerk) 井原 ゆかり:Ihara Yukari


1. Nakahata S, Syahrul C, Nakatake A, Sakamoto K, Yoshihama M, Nishikata I, Ukai Y, Matsuura T, Kameda T, Shide K, Kubuki Y, Hidaka T, Kitanaka A, Ito A, Takemoto S, Nakano N, Saito M, Iwanaga M, Sagara Y, Mochida K, Amano M, Maeda K, Sueoka E, Okayama A, Utsunomiya A, Shimoda K, Watanabe T, Morishita K. Clinical significance of soluble CADM1 as a novel marker for adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. Haematologica. 2020 Feb 13. doi: 10.3324/haematol.2019.234096. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Okamoto S, Ureshino H, Kidoguchi K, Kusaba K, Kizuka-Sano H, Sano H, Nishioka A, Yamaguchi K, Kamachi K, Itamura H, Yoshimura M, Yokoo M, Shindo T, Kubota Y, Ando T, Kojima K, Kawaguchi A, Sueoka E, Kimura S. Clinical impact of the CONUT score in patients with multiple myeloma. Ann Hematol. 2020 Jan;99(1):113-119. doi: 10.1007/s00277-019-03844-2. Epub 2019 Nov 25.
3. Yamaguchi M, Inomata S, Harada S, Matsuzaki Y, Kawaguchi M, Ujibe M, Kishiba M, Fujimura Y, Kimura M, Murata K, Nakashima N, Nakayama M, Ohe K, Orii T, Sueoka E, Suzuki T, Yokoi H, Takahashi F, Uyama Y. Establishment of the MID-NET® medical information database network as a reliable and valuable database for drug safety assessments in Japan. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2019 Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print]
4. Yamada K, Itoh M, Fujimura Y, Kimura M, Murata K, Nakashima N, Nakayama M, Ohe K, Orii T, Sueoka E, Suzuki T, Yokoi H, Ishiguro C, Uyama Y; MID-NET® project group. The utilization and challenges of Japan’s MID-NET® medical information database network in postmarketing drug safety assessments: A summary of pilot pharmacoepidemiological studies. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2019 May;28(5):601-608.
5. Sueoka E, Watanabe T, Mashima M, Shirakami Y, Komori A, Matsuo K, Yoshikawa, Cho KA, Park TJ, Seimiya H, Kim EG, Suganuma M and Chung J. Meeting report of the 14th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Cancer and Aging Research: current status of translational research and approaching to precision medicine. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol, J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2019. 145(5):1263-1271 doi: 10.1007/s00432-019-02887-2.
6. Kamachi K, Kubota Y, Nagaie T, Yamaguchi K, Ogusu S, Kidoguchi K, Kusaba K, Kizuka-Sano H, Nishioka A, Yoshimura M, Yokoo M, Ando T, Kai K, Kojima K, Ohshima K, Sueoka E, Kimura S. Primary Chest Wall MYC/BCL6 Double-hit Lymphoma with t (3;7) (q27;p12) and t (8;14) (q24;q32) Translocations. Intern Med. 2019 Jul 15;58(14):2073-2077.
7. Sato E, Togawa A, Masaki M, Shirahashi A, Kumagawa M, Kawano Y, Ishikura H, Yamashiro Y, Takagi S, To H, Kobata K, Takeshita M, Kusaba K, Sueoka E, Tamura K, Takamatsu Y, Takata T. Community-acquired Disseminated Exophiala dermatitidis Mycosis with Necrotizing Fasciitis in Chronic Graft-versus-host Disease. Intern Med. 2018 Nov 19. doi: 10.2169/internalmedicine.1706-18
8. Fujiki H, Sueoka E, Watanabe T, Suganuma M. The concept of the okadaic acid class of tumor promoters is revived in endogenous protein inhibitors of protein phosphatase 2A, SET and CIP2A, in human cancers. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2018 ;144:2339-2349.
9. Ureshino H, Kusaba K, Kidoguchi K, Sano H, Nishioka A, Itamura H, Yoshimura M, Yokoo M, Shindo T, Kubota Y, Ando T, Kojima K, Sueoka E, Kimura S. Clinical impact of the CONUT score and mogamulizumab in adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma. Ann Hematol. 2019 98: 465-471.
10. Sato A, Nakashima C, Abe T, Kato J, Hirai M, Nakamura T, Komiya K, Kimura S, Sueoka E, Sueoka-Aragane N. Investigation of appropriate pre-analytical procedure for circulating free DNA from liquid biopsy. Oncotarget. 2018 ;9:31904-31914.
11. Nakamura H, Bono H, Hiyama K, Kawamoto T, Kato Y, Nakanishi T, Nishiyama M, Hiyama E, Hirohashi N, Sueoka E, Poellinger L, Tanimoto K. Differentiated embryo chondrocyte plays a crucial role in DNA damage response via transcriptional regulation under hypoxic conditions. PLoS One. 2018 Feb 21;13(2):e0192136.
12. Itamura H, Ide M, Sato A, Sueoka-Aragane N, Sueoka E, Nishida A, Masunari T, Aoki S, Takizawa J, Suzumiya J, Kimura S. Identification of the BRAF V600E mutation in Japanese patients with hairy cell leukemia and related diseases using a quenching probe method. Int J Hematol. 2018 108: 416-422.
13. Kubota Y, Kamachi K, Wakayama K, Kitamura H, Yoshihara M, Hisatomi T, Fukushima N, Ichinohe T, Sueoka E, Kimura S. Acute myeloid leukemia with t(19;21)(q13;q22) and marked eosinophilia. Ann Hematol. 2019 ;98: 221-222.
14. Nakashima C, Sato A, Abe T, Kato J, Hirai M, Nakamura T, Komiya K, Sueoka E, Kimura S, Sueoka-Aragane N. Automated DNA extraction using cellulose magnetic beads can improve EGFR point mutation detection with liquid biopsy by efficiently recovering short and long DNA fragments. Oncotarget. 2018;9:25181-25192.
15. Kai K, Ryu Y, Kamochi K, Nishioka A, Kubota Y, Nakamura M, Kimura S, Sueoka E, Aishima S. Synchronous mantle cell lymphoma and lung adenocarcinoma presenting in a pleural effusion: A rare tumour combination and a potential pitfall of cytodiagnosis. Cytopathology. 2018 ;29: 400-402.
16. Fujiki H, Watanabe T, Sueoka E, Rawangkan A, Suganuma M. Cancer Prevention with Green Tea and Its Principal Constituent, EGCG: from Early Investigations to Current Focus on Human Cancer Stem Cells. Mol Cells. 2018;41:73-82.
17. Katsuya H, Shimokawa M, Ishitsuka K, Kawai K, Amano M, Utsunomiya A, Hino R, Hanada S, Jo T, Tsukasaki K, Moriuchi Y, Sueoka E, Yoshida S, Suzushima H, Miyahara M, Yamashita K, Eto T, Suzumiya J, Tamura K. Prognostic index for chronic- and smoldering-type adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma. Blood. 2017 130:39-47.
18. Shindo T, Kitaura K, Ureshino H, Kamachi K, Miyahara M, Doi K, Watanabe T, Sueoka E, Shin-I T, Suzuki R, Kimura S. Deep sequencing of the T cell receptor visualizes reconstitution of T cell immunity in mogamulizumab-treated adult T cell leukemia. Oncoimmunology. 2017 Dec 11;7(3):e1405204.
19. Nakamura T, Watanabe N, Sato A, Komiya K, Umeguchi H, Hosomi T, Hirai M, Sueoka E, Kimura S, Sueoka-Aragane N. Plasma T790M and HGF as potential predictive markers for EGFR-TKI re-challenge. Oncol Lett. 2017 13:4939-4946.
20. Kobayashi-Watanabe N, Sato A, Watanabe T, Abe T, Nakashima C, Sueoka E, Kimura S, Sueoka-Aragane N. Functional analysis of Discoidin domain receptor 2 mutation and expression in squamous cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2017 110:35-41.
21. Ide M, Koba S, Sueoka-Aragane N, Sato A, Nagano Y, Inoue T, Misago N, Narisawa Y, Kimura S, Sueoka E. Mutation Profile of B-Raf Gene Analyzed by fully Automated System and Clinical Features in Japanese Melanoma Patients. Pathol Oncol Res. 2017 ;23:181-188
22. Kubota Y, Ichinohe T, Yoshimura M, Itamura H, Hisatomi T, Fukushima N, Sueoka E, Kimura S. Acute myeloid leukemia with t(3;8)(q26;q24) complicated by diabetes insipidus. Ann Hematol. 2016 Mar;95(4):653-5.
23. Watanabe T, Sato A, Kobayashi-Watanabe N, Sueoka-Aragane N, Kimura S, Sueoka E  Torin2 potentiates anti-cancer effects for adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma by inhibiting mammalian target of rapamycin. Anticancer Res. 2016 Jan;36(1):95-102.
24. Fujiki H, Suganuma M, Watanabe T, Sueoka E. Progressive Insight into Tumor Promotion with Pro-inflammatory Cytokines. SOJ Immunology, 2016 in press
25. Fujiki H, Imai K, Nakachi K, Sueoka E, Watanabe T, Suganuma M, Innovative strategy of cancer treatment with the combination of green tea catechins and anticancer compounds Cancer Cell Micrienviron, 2015, 2 e886
26. Yokoo M, Kubota Y, Motoyama K, Higashi T, Taniyoshi M, Tokumaru H, Nishiyama R, Tabe Y, Mochinaga S, Sato A, Sueoka-Aragane N, Sueoka E, Arima H, Irie T, Kimura S. 2-Hydroxypropyl-β-Cyclodextrin Acts as a Novel Anticancer Agent. PLoS One. 2015 4;10(11):e0141946.
27. Katsuya H, Ishitsuka K, Utsunomiya A, Hanada S, Eto T, Moriuchi Y, Saburi Y, Miyahara M, Sueoka E, Uike N, Yoshida S, Yamashita K, Tsukasaki K, Suzushima H, Ohno Y, Matsuoka H, Jo T, Amano M, Hino R, Shimokawa M, Kawai K, Suzumiya J, Tamura K. Treatment and survival among 1594 patients with ATL diagnosed in the 2000s: a report from the ATL-PI project performed in Japan. Blood. 2015:126:2570-7
28. Yamada M, Yamada N, Higashitani T, Ohta S, Sueoka E. Results of Training for Personnel Involved in Blood-Transfusion Testing Outside of Regular Work Hours at Saga University Hospital, Rinsho Byori. 2015 Nov;63(11):1259-63. Japanese.
29. Fujiki H, Sueoka E, Watanabe T, Suganuma M. Primary cancer prevention by green tea, and tertiary cancer prevention by the combination of green tea catechins and anticancer compounds. J Cancer Prev. 2015 ;20(1):1-4.
30. Umeguchi H, Sueoka-Aragane N, Kobayashi N, Nakamura T, Sato A, Takeda Y, Hayashi S, Sueoka E, Kimura S. Usefulness of plasma HGF level for monitoring acquired resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer. Oncol Rep. 2015 Jan;33(1):391-6.
31. Sueoka-Aragane N, Sato A, Kobayashi N, Ide M, Yokoo M, Nagano Y, Sueoka E, Okada S, Kimura S. Correlation between plasma DNA and tumor status in an animal model. PLoS One. 2014;9(12):e111881.
32. Fujiki H, Sueoka E, Watanabe T, Suganuma M Synergistic enhancement of anticancer effects on numerous human cancer cell lines treated with the combination of EGCG, other green tea catechins, and anticancer compounds. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2015;141(9):1511-22.
33. Yoshimura M, Kojima K, Tomimasu R, Fukushima N, Hayashi S, Sueoka E, Kimura S. ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitor-induced pulmonary alveolar proteinosis in chronic myeloid leukemia. Int J Hematol. 2014 Dec;100(6):611-4.
34. Yoshihara M, Itamura H, Fukushima N, Itoh M, Furukawa K, Nagatomo D, Kamachi K, Kitamura H, Shindo T, Kubota Y, Sueoka E, Morita S, Ichinohe T, Kimura S. Therapeutic management in cardiac lymphoma. Leuk Lymphoma. 2014 55:1215-7
35 末岡榮三朗、山田尚友、山田麻里江、久保田寧、吉村麻里子、板村英和、出勝、横尾眞子、吉原麻里、蒲池和晴、北村浩晃、進藤岳郎、安藤寿彦、小島研介、東谷孝徳、木村晋也、電子カルテと輸血管理システムの連携による輸血後鉄過剰症モニタリングプログラムの運用とその課題、日本輸血細胞治療学会誌、2014, 60, 12-17
36. 山田麻里江、山田尚友、久保田寧、木村晋也、東谷孝徳、末岡榮三朗、抗M(IgM+IgG)において抗体価測定時に反応増強剤無添加間接抗グロブリン試験で一部陰性を示した妊婦の1例、日本輸血細胞治療学会誌、2014, 60, 32-37
37. Fujiki H, Sueoka E, Suganuma M. Tumor promoters: from chemicals to inflammatory proteins. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2013 Oct;139(10):1603-14.
38. Sueoka E, Sueoka-Aragane N, Sato A, Ide M, Nakamura H, Sotomaru Y, Taya C, Yonekawa H, Kitagawa T, Kubota Y, Kimura S, Nakachi K, Tanimoto K. Development of lymphoproliferative diseases by hypoxia inducible factor-1alpha is associated with prolonged lymphocyte survival. PLoS One. 2013 Apr 12;8(4):e57833.
39. 末岡榮三朗、山田尚友、山田麻里江、久保田寧、浦田千紗子、吉村麻里子、板村英和、久富崇、福島伯泰、出勝、横尾眞子、吉原麻里、蒲池和晴、北村浩晃、進藤岳郎、一戸辰夫、東谷孝徳、木村晋也、輸血後鉄過剰症の現状と問題点、2013 59, 73-78
40. Takata Y, Kanaji T, Moroi M, Seki R, Sano M, Nakazato S, Sueoka E, Imamura Y, Okamura T. Platelets with a W127X mutation in GPIX express sufficient residual amounts of GPIbα to support adhesion to von Willebrand factor and collagen. Int J Hematol. 96:733-42, 2012
41. Katsuya H, Yamanaka T, Ishitsuka K, Utsunomiya A, Sasaki H, Hanada S, Eto T, Moriuchi Y, Saburi Y, Miyahara M, Sueoka E, Uike N, Yoshida S, Yamashita K, Tsukasaki K, Suzushima H, Ohno Y, Matsuoka H, Jo T, Suzumiya J, Tamura K. Prognostic index for acute- and lymphoma-type adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma. J Clin Oncol. 30:1635-40,2012
42. Itamura H, Fukushima N, Kondo S, Urata C, Tanaka-Yoshimura M, Yokoo M, Ide M, Hisatomi T, Kubota Y, Sueoka E, Ichinohe T, Kimura S. Successful reduced-intensity umbilical cord blood transplant for fulminant hemophagocytic syndrome in an adult with pre-existing rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Leuk Lymphoma. 53:2307-9, 2012.
43. Yamaguchi M, Kwong Y, Kim K, Maeda Y, Hashimoto C, Suh C, Izutsu K, Ishida F, Isobe Y, Sueoka E, Suzumiya J, Kodama T, Kimura H, Hyo R, Nakamura S, Oshimi K, Suzuki R Phase II study of SMILE chemotherapy for newly-diagnosed stage IV, relapsed or refractory extranodal NK/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type: the NK-cell Tumor Study Group (NKTSG) study J Clin Oncol, 2011 ;29:4410-6
44. Fukushima N, Itamura H, Urata C, Tanaka M, Hisatomi T, Kunota Y, Sueoka E, Kimura S. Clinical presentation and outcome in patients of over 75 years old with malignant lymphoma. Int J Clin Med, 2: 246-253, 2011.
45. Urata C, Yoshimura M, Itamura H, Hisatomi T, Kubota Y, Fukushima N, Sueoka E, Kimura S. Lenalidomide in combination with dexamethasone induced rhabdomyolysis in a multiple myeloma patient treated with pravastatin. Int J Hematol, 2011, 94:216-7
46. Nakamura T, Sueoka-Aragane N, Iwanaga K, Sato A, Komiya K, Abe T, Ureshino U, Hayashi S, Hosomi, Hirai M, Sueoka E, Kimura S. A non-invasive system for monitoring resistance to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors with plasma DNA. J Thorac Oncol, 2011 6:1639-48
47. Tanaka A, Sueoka-Aragane N, Nakamura T, Takeda Y, Mitsuoka M, Yamasaki F, Hayashi S, Sueoka E, Kimura S, Co-existence of positive MET FISH status with EGFR mutations signifies poor prognosis in lung adenocarcinoma patients, Lung Cancer 2012;75:89-94
48. Ureshino N, Sueoka-Aragane N, Nakamura T, Sato A, Komiya K, Iwanaga K, Mitsuoka M, Takeda Y, Hayashi S, Sueoka E, Kimura S A fully integrated, automated and rapid detection system for KRAS mutations. Oncol Rep. 2011;26:609-13.
49. Ureshino N, Aragane N, Nakamura T, Ide M, Mochinaga S, Fukushima N, Hayashi S, Sueoka E, Kimura S. A fully integrated and automated detection system for single nucleotide polymorphisms of UGT1A1 and CYP2C19. Oncol Res. 2011;19:111-4.
50. Hisatomi T, Sueoka-Aragane N, Sato A, Tomimasu R, Ide M, Kurimasa A, Okamoto K, Kimura S, Sueoka E. NK314 potentiates anti-tumor activity with adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma cells by inhibition of dual targets on topoisomerase IIa and DNA-dependent protein kinase. Blood. 2011;117:3575-84
51. Tanaka M, Fukushima N, Itamura H, Urata C, Yokoo M, Ide M, Hisatomi T, Tomimasu R, Sueoka E, Kimura S. Gangrenous cheilitis associated with all-trans retinoic acid therapy for acute promyelocytic leukemia. Int J Hematol. 91:132-5, 2010.
52. Komiya K, Sueoka-Aragane N, Sato A, Hisatomi T, Sakuragi T, Mitsuoka M, Sato T, Hayashi S, Izumi H, Tsuneoka M, Sueoka E. Expression of Mina53, a novel c-Myc target gene, is a favorable prognostic marker in early stage lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 69:232-238, 2010.
53. Komiya K, Sueoka-Aragane N, Sato A, Hisatomi T, Sakuragi T, Mitsuoka M, Sato T, Hayashi S, Izumi H, Tsuneoka M, Sueoka E. Mina53, a novel c-Myc target gene, is frequently expressed in lung cancers and exerts oncogenic property in NIH/3T3 cells. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 136:465-73, 2010


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